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Reserve your seats now for the Vienna Gala and Classical Concert!



First row of tables

First row of tables | Included:

  • A reserved table seat.
  • 3-course gala dinner.
  • Selection of sparkling wine, white and red wine, beer and soft drinks.
  • Coffee and tea.
  • Exclusive concert by the renowned Philharmonic Ensemble.



Zweite Tischreihe

Second row of tables | Included:

  • A reserved table seat.
  • 3-course gala dinner.
  • Selection of sparkling wine, white and red wine, beer and soft drinks.
  • Coffee and tea.
  • Exclusive concert by the renowned Philharmonic Ensemble.



Third row of tables

Third row of tables | Included:

  • A reserved table seat.
  • 3-course gala dinner.
  • Selection of sparkling wine, white and red wine, beer and soft drinks.
  • Coffee and tea.
  • Exclusive concert by the renowned Philharmonic Ensemble.